Below are status updates made on recommendations that came out of the strategic planning process. This scorecard is a subset of items and will be updated regularly so you can check out what else has been accomplished!
Updated January 1, 2025
FINANCE & ADMIN: Diocese of Fall River ranked in Top 10 Voice of the Faithful transparency ranking. Named #2 most informative and helpful website for transparency.
FINANCE & ADMIN: 71/78 Parishes Completed. Transition Parish Financials to a hosted environment.
CSS: Enhance employee morale and retention – an Employee Assistance Program was implemented in 2019.
HR: Develop, update and revise Job Descriptions to match job responsibilities and expectations.
CSS: Process has begun to review and update the organization’s by-laws.
HR: Performance Management System implemented to provide employees with valuable feedback on their performances.
COMMUNICATIONS: Evaluate revitalization opportunities for The Anchor, Redesigned and launched in May 2021.task force recommendations presented, back end adjustments completed and live, marketing initiatives in process.
YOUTH: Director and Coordinator of Family and Respect Life began in July 2021.
COMMUNICATIONS: Relaunch of the DFR Website, now in final stages to launch in the Fall of 2023. Full site launch completed February 2024.
CSS: Rebuilt the Board of Directors to serve Catholic Social Services First Meeting held on November 18, 2020.
CSS: Now providing much needed and requested mental health services.
FINANCE & ADMIN: Conducting financial reviews of parishes, schools and agencies on a regular and recurring basis.
COMMUNICATIONS: Build an intranet for internal information sharing and collaboration – partner identified, internal testing underway.
YOUTH: Every parish hire a professional youth minister (ministers could be shared among parishes or within collaboratives. ECHO apprentices assisting in Central Fall River,Attleboro and Falmouth.
YOUTH: Director of Youth Ministry began in August 2021.
COMMUNICATIONS: Enhance the DFR Website, now in final stages to launch in the Fall of 2023. Final launch February 2024.
FINANCE & ADMIN: The Catholic Foundation of Southeastern MA created an Appeal Committee comprised of Pastors and Lay people. They meet regularly to give input to the Foundation on ways for the Appeal to best serve donors and our parishes.
CSS: Reorganize and improve CSS organizational structure with hiring of new Chief Operating Officer.
YOUTH: Director of Child and Adult Discipleship began in August 2021.
FINANCE & ADMIN: Expand training classes and available resource materials.
YOUTH: Launched ECHO program from Norte Dame in August 2021 to assist in youth ministry.
COMMUNICATIONS: Create a social media presence that educates, inspires and connects people in close community – daily posting and oversight of diocesan social media channels.
HR: Implement a standard payroll system across the diocese. Most entities will be live by July 2022.
HR: Developed and Implemented Standardized Recruitment and Hiring Procedures: including consistent recruitment procedures, new hire orientations and onboarding.
YOUTH: Deanery based programs for non-campus young adults: Launched 4th Watch in 2021, similar in concept to LIFT . Piloted Love and Responsibility Southcoast in July 2021.
YOUTH: Deanery based programs for non-campus young adults: Launched 4th Watch in 2021, similar in concept to LIFT . Piloted Love and Responsibility Southcoast in July 2021.
HR: Implement a standard payroll system across the diocese – Phase One completed in April 2021.
FINANCE & ADMIN: Publish diocese transparency report – State of the Diocese full report published on August 21, 2020
PROPERTY & RE: Create a database of all buildings and land, database structure is in place with many assessments completed and confirmed.
FACILITIES & RE: Diocesan Facilities and Real Estate Council committee meets quarterly to provide ongoing advice to leadership.
FINANCE & ADMIN: Expand the Chancery Audit to include all parishes and schools. Financial review being conducted regularly.
FINANCE & ADMIN: Posting online annually the source and use of The Catholic Appeal.
FINANCE & ADMIN: Established a Diocesan Pastoral Council – Appointed Sept. 2019, meeting regularly.
COMMUNICATIONS: Enhance the voice of the Bishop using new media – live streaming of Mass and video communications now being leveraged.
YOUTH: Hire a Secretariat/Sr. Director of Youth, Young Adult & Family Life Ministries – Senior Director began on August 24, 2020.
FACILITIES & RE: Inventory, store, sell/donate sacramental goods – a climate-controlled facility was secured as well as partnership with organizations to help value and handle items.
FINANCE & ADMIN: Upgrade Chancery GL then integrate billing & AR – upgraded and completed in winter 2020.
YOUTH: Forward together initiative formed to assist ongoing formation for parishes. Launched pilot program from Peyton Institute’s Domestic Church for Family Formation.
FACILITIES & RE: Streamline Fall River campus contracts/vendors.
FACILITIES & RE: Streamline Fall River campus contracts/vendors.
FINANCE & ADMIN: Post detailed parish collection and counting procedures. Posted May 2019.
COMMUNICATIONS: Create a Bishop’s Blog to enhance the voice of the Bishop – launched October 2019.
FINANCE & ADMIN: Integrated diocesan schools business functions into the Chancery operations.
COMMUNICATIONS: Create a Bishop’s Blog to enhance the voice of the Bishop – launched October 2019.
FINANCE & ADMIN: Integrated diocesan schools business functions into the Chancery operations.
COMMUNICATIONS: Create a central database.
FACILITIES & RE: Real estate policies and procedures developed and distributed.
FINANCE & ADMIN: Director of Strategic and Pastoral Planning began in July 2019
FINANCE & ADMIN: Post online the source and use of all parish assessments.
COMMUNICATIONS: Communications team meets bimonthly with participants from the Foundation, Planning, Evangelization, CSS and Catholic Schools to develop coordinated narratives for the diocese.