Human Resources

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Human Resource planners focused on creating the best environment for people dedicated to the mission of the Church. This means having the right people, processes, and policies in place.

It is a Christian imperative that we be good stewards of the time and talent of those who lead and promulgate the work of our Church…in short, we have to ensure that we have right fit talent; manage that talent in a professional and thorough manner; and motivate and inspire talent in ways that are Christ centered, mission oriented, and self-fulfilling.


  • Create a new professionally-staffed HR organization structure to serve all functions in the diocese
  • Develop and implement Standardized Recruitment/Hiring, talent management and job description policies and practices
  • Standardize systems and practices to value and manage employees in an appropriate, professional, thorough and consistent manner
  • Implement a performance management system.
  • Create a diocesan intranet for employee information. diocese
  • Create a leadership training program to strengthen the work of the diocese in all parishes and collaboratives

Read our detailed Human Resources Recommendations and Goals